(689) 323-9932
Employment Application
If you're interested in joining our team, please fill out the
application below.
Full Name *
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Current Address *
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Have you lived at this address for at least 3 years *
Employment Desired *
Part Time
Full Time
The primary reason I desire this position is because... *
Please select
I like/need the evening/weekend schedule
I like/need a daytime schedule (I can't work evenings)
I am looking for a different job/career
I already have a day job but I'm looking to supplement my income
I am retired and looking to stay busy
I'm in school but looking for a Summer job
The secondary reason I desire this position because... *
Please select
I like/need the evening/weekend schedule
I like/need a daytime schedule (I can't work evenings)
I am looking for a different job/career
I already have a day job but I'm looking to supplement my income
I am retired and looking to stay busy
I'm in school but looking for a Summer job
Describe for us your past janitorial experience *
Hours Per Week Desired *
Please select
10-15 hours per week
I'm currently unemployed and need the work15-20 hours per week
20-25 hours per week
25-30 hours per week
30-35 hours per week
I'm looking for a minimum of 40 hours per week
Available Start Date *
Social Security Number *
Date of Birth (For background purposes only) *
Current employer (name of company) OR if currently unemployed, who was your last employer (company name & location) *
Name of contact person for current or previous employer *
First Name
Last Name
Current or previous employer phone number *
Reason for leaving *
Check this box to agree with this statement about direct deposits. *
I acknowledge that Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning Company utilizes a direct-deposit payroll system, which requires me to have an active checking account either prior to employment or upon being hired. I understand that payroll will be processed exclusively via direct deposit, and paper checks will not be issued by the Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning Company.
Check this box to agree with this statement about time off after being hired. *
I acknowledge that I will not request any leave or time off during the first 30 days of my employment. If I have any prior commitments, I will disclose them during the job interview.
Check this box to agree with this statement about "Geofencing". *
I acknowledge that Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning utilizes geofencing technology to track my arrival and departure from assigned cleaning locations. I consent to the use of geofencing and agree to participate in this practice for the duration of my employment with Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning.
Check this box to agree with this statement about contacting customers directly. *
I understand that, if hired, Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning Company will be my direct employer. I acknowledge that any attempt to contact Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning Company's customers directly will result in the immediate termination of my employment and lead to legal action.
Check this box to agree with this statement about wages. *
I acknowledge that, if hired, I will receive a "training wage" (which will not be less than the federally mandated minimum wage). Any future pay increases will be determined by my reliability, efficiency, and ability to work independently.
Check this box to agree with this statement about standards. *
I understand the importance of upholding the high-quality standards set by Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning. I also acknowledge and agree that my compensation will be based solely on the time allocated for each assigned cleaning location, as outlined by the building's specified cleaning requirements.
Check this box to agree with this statement about payroll errors & communication. *
I understand that any payroll errors must be reported to service@cfpccc.com on the same day payment is issued. Failure to report errors by this deadline will result in a delay, and I will need to wait until the next payroll cycle to receive my paycheck. I also acknowledge that the company frequently uses email and text messaging to share memos, special instructions, quality control updates, and other communications. It is my responsibility to regularly check and respond to these messages.
Check this box to agree with this statement about "floating". *
I acknowledge that my employer may occasionally request me to step in or "float" during emergency situations. In such cases, I agree to assist as needed.
Work environment personal preference. We cannot guarantee to fulfill this preference (informational purposes only) *
Please select
I'm kind of a loner and prefer working alone
I'm a people person and prefer working with other team members
I am perfectly happy with either arrangement
Evening positions likely require traveling between locations after dark. How do you feel about this?
Please select
I assure you that I'm comfortable working alone after dark
Sorry, I don't feel safe working alone after dark
I really prefer a daytime position
Check this box to agree to a background check. *
By submitting this form I authorize Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning and its representatives to perform a "background" check and consent to Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning. I hereby authorize, without reservation, any law enforcement agency, administrator, state or federal agency, institution, school or university(public or private), information service bureau, employer or insurance company to furnish any and all background information requested by a background information services company, another outside organization acting on behalf of Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning and/or Central Florida's Professional Commercial Cleaning itself. I have reviewed the document entitled "A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act".
Click here to read "A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit
Reporting Act"
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